A Pickle

Talk about accepting reality. I have gotten myself into a pickle and I am not liking my choices for resolution. As you are aware of, I have been seeking a kitten. Not just any kitten, one that has some big shoes to fill. For two years, I have wanted a fluffy, short legged, grey, male kitten. I want him to be relaxed, friendly, affectionate and seeking my attention. I want to scoop him up and have him sit with me as long as I want. I preferred a very young kitten, so the attachment/bonding would be strong. I assume you know the story with Stanley, he was all that and more.

I know, it all sounds kind of silly huh? So specific. As if I could find something like that.
I had been looking on craigslist for a couple weeks and there wasn't much out there that I felt suited me. I had made some phone calls, visited one and followed some leads through emails and photos with others. None fit the bill. I put a posting out for this little grey kitten, and still, not much resulted.

Yesterday, we went to see a grey kitten. It ended up being a female. She had a brother, he was brown, a brown cat. Kind of rare. I think that was what I was drawn to.
And now, now that he is home, I am not drawn to him anymore. His legs are lanky, he doesn't really want to cuddle. He is a bit of a scardy cat (for now anyway) and dangit, I should have stuck to my guns on a fluffy, all grey one. In and of himself he is a fine cat. He is cute and all, he just isn't what my heart desired. And the heart wants what the heart wants.

A kitten isn't just a couple month commitment, like a new shirt or pair of shoes. You make a bad decision there and there are no emotions involved. If I was to give this kitten away, my boys would be so confused. But now, my heart, again, is disappointed and sad.
I am sure there are all kinds of psychological things going on, but what it is, I have no idea. I just know that I am sitting here, looking at a kitten that I have no connection with and I think I have to keep him.

So, If for any reason, you are looking for a brown kitten with a long name, you can contact me. I will try and talk my kids out of him. Otherwise, I guess I have to accept reality one more time. Shoot!


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