Ruffled Feathers

There is an article circulating on Facebook. It's called "Your Children Want YOU." I read it along with all my facebook Mom's, but I felt like my feelings weren't lining up with the comments placed before the article.

Honestly, I have been thinking about the article all day and why it rubbed me the wrong way. It ruffled my feathers.

For lent, I 'gave up' wrong thinking. Every time I started to get down on myself for thinking negatively about myself, or other people for that matter, I changed my direction, but not without the Lord's help. Satan used this time to push push push on me, rip things open and tell me that I am doing it all wrong. Thankfully, I was able to pray, talk to my husband and write a friend to help work out the kinks and get my thinking back on track.

Of course I'm not all better in my ways of thinking, but I do catch myself all the time and can choose to remain on the negative path, or push past it and align myself with who I am in Christ. There was a lot of reminders that God sees me the same as he sees Jesus, a child of His.

So, back to the article. So believe me, I get it that we can feel inferior when we start thinking of all the things we don't get done in a day and we see others filling up their pinterest boards and assume they are completing these crafts and fancy meals. I can also assume that everything people say on facebook is true, just the way it happened, perfectly. And that all day all they do is make perfection out of their day. Kendal and I joke and like to call it "fakebook."

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Pinterest and Facebook. I enjoy sharing my day and dreaming that I will have a chevron patterned painted wood floor and that I can actually make those homemade Twix. In regards to the article, yes, it did have some valid points, so here is where I come to my issue with it.

As she came to the place where she accepted herself without comparing her life to that of social media, she listed out all the things that she does, and in so doing created a new list for others to compare themselves to. She exchanged pinterest for a snapshot of her life. So now, I'm not comparing my life, parenting, crafting, etc, to social media but I start to compare it to her and her parenting, CD making and cuddle time. I still lack. These are the feelings it stirred...remember, wrong thinking.

So while this article can be all well and good if Social media is your issue. For me, my issue is that I have compared myself to other Mothers when it comes to 'doing stuff for or with' my children, the very thing she has exchanged and describes herself doing.

If the article was basically the first couple paragraphs and then jumping down to "Can we remind each other," I could probably be on board with the blog. But I felt like this article just exchanged one list for another.

Yes, I can see and I get the real reason for this article. It is that we are enough for our children without all the 'extras.' But we are no less if we don't do everything with them all the time. I am still loved by my children even though...


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